FlightTrack is a GPS utility designed exclusively for MacOS X. It can be used to download tracks and waypoints from a GPS and
display them in 3D. Its main functions are:
- Downloading tracks and waypoints from GPS: Garmin (not USB),
Magellan, MLR
SP 24XC, Brauniger IQ Compeo, Flytec 5030 or PalmOS device with special
- 3D Viewing over the terrain and satellite or map data.
- Support for opening and writing GPX and IGC documents.
FlightTrack is free software. It is
released with the source code under the terms of the
GNU Public License.
You can get more information about what free software is on the
FSF site.
- Nov 20, 2005: FlightTrack 0.0.18 FT now supports waypoints (only download and edition though). Garmin GPS driver was updated. New document handling.
- May 21, 2005: FlightTrack 0.0.17 Fixes a bug that led to FT crashing at startup when "Loading main window".
- April 24, 2005: FlightTrack 0.0.16 Full screen mode, many improvements
to maps calibration, new logo !
- October 24, 2004: FlightTrack 0.0.15 Brauniger IQ Compeo logger
support and other improvements.
- October 4, 2004: FlightTrack 0.0.14 You can now download (within
FlightTrack) and apply a map or a satellite image to the terrain.
- May 19, 2004: FlightTrack 0.0.13 This release is for users under
MacOS 10.3.4 with older computers (for example IBook with Rage video
card), FlightTrack should now be usable again with reasonable interface
responsiveness. The altitude scale control is also fixed.
- May 3, 2004: FlightTrack 0.0.12 Bug fix for "Save" and "Save As"
under MacOS 10.2 as well as another error the first time you'd launch
- May 2, 2004: FlightTrack 0.0.11 Many bug fixes. The GPX file
format is now supported: You can open track files from many other
- December 21, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.10 It's been a long time but
the latest release of FlightTrack is finally here. Many, many changes,
among which: Magellan GPS support, and lots of interface improvements,
see the Changelog for details.
- June 5, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.9 Fixed a bug that lead to a crash
when opening/downloading some tracks. Fixed a bug when dealing with
files with special characters (accents for example). Improved the
altitude graph view.
- May 25, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.8 Fixed a bug that prevented the
terrain from appearing when software rendering was on (default on
systems). Added a preference setting to tune the polygon offset
OpenGL function that controls the way tracks 'shadows' are laid on the
- May 24, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.7 Still many bug fixes. FT can now
display the altitude graph.
- March 24, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.6. Lots of bugs fixes, new
features (configurable units for instance). Software rendering as a
temporary fix for NVidia card owners. Changelog
for details.
- January 28, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.5. 3D Rendering speed much
faster. Bug fixes.
- January 16, 2003: FlightTrack 0.0.4. Lots of bugs corrected some
new features. The bugs that prevented the terrain from being displayed
is corrected. See change log for details.
- December 2, 2002: FlightTrack 0.0.3 released. You can now see
information about each point in the track. Two new screenshots added to
the screenshots page.
- November 13, 2002: FlightTrack 0.0.2 released. Includes MLR SP
24XC GPS support.
- October 16, 2002: First release of FlightTrack !
You can download the latest release of FlightTrack (almost)
directly here:
FlightTrack-0.0.18.dmg (6.3 MB).
You can download the source code on the
Go on the
DEM page for instructions on how to
download the terrain data for your area.
You can ask for help by mail or in the forums provided by sourceforge:
Forum for questions regarding FlightTrack use. First place to go if
you have problems using it..
Discussion for anything else.
© 2002-2005, Gautier Taravella
Thanks to:

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